Valley Health Serves 32 with Lucas Lung & Bonnie Bus Outreach

Valley Health serves 32 patients with Lucas Lung Bus and Bonnie Bus outreach event

[May 24, 2024Huntington, W.Va.] – Valley Health is delighted to collaborate with WVU Medicine, bringing the convenience of cancer screenings to our community. In May, we served 32 patients with breast and lung cancer screenings.  The screenings were provided by visits from the LUCAS Lung Bus to Valley Health Wayne and Valley Health Harts, and Bonnie’s Bus in Huntington at Valley Health Pea Ridge – A Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology & Women’s Health.    Bonnie’s Bus served 14 patients, and LUCAS served 18 patients.

“Valley Health is pleased to partner with WVU Medicine to further our mission of providing access to great medical care.   We proudly serve our patients and the community and help them pursue good health.”  Steve Shattls, President & CEO of Valley Health Systems, Inc.

Lucas Lung Bus will return to Valley Health – Hurricane on June 20, 2024, and Valley Health Wayne on August 27, 2024. LUCAS provides lung cancer screening and then refers patients needing follow-up to facilities close to their homes. Cancer Prevention and Control coordinates the WVU Cancer Institute Mobile Cancer Screening Program, a partnership between WVU Cancer Institute and WVU Medicine – WVU Hospitals. To schedule an appointment, please call 304-760-6040.  If you are an uninsured resident of West Virginia, aged 50 or older, and meet the eligibility requirements for lung cancer screening, you may receive a screening on LUCAS through the generous grant funding and donations that have made this program possible.

Bonnie’s Bus is set to return to Valley Health – Hurricane on October 15, 2024.  Its mission is to offer breast cancer screening services to women in West Virginia, particularly those in rural areas with limited or no access to screening mammography. Thanks to a generous donation from West Virginia natives Jo and Ben Statler to the Cancer Institute, Bonnie’s Bus, named after Jo Statler’s late mother, Bonnie Wells Wilson, is a reality.    Bonnie’s Bus accepts Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Uninsured patients can receive assistance in enrolling in the West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program (WVBCCSP). Funds are available through the generosity of grants and donations to cover the cost of a mammogram for uninsured WV women aged 40 or over. A doctor’s orders are required for screening. Call today to schedule your mammogram at (304) 760.6040.

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