Kanawha County, WV

Transportation in Kanawha County, WV

1550 4th Avenue, PO Box 1188 Charleston, WV 25324
Business Phone: 304-343-3840
Schedule Phone: 304-343-7586
KAT Phone: 304-343-0489
E-mail: kvrta@rideonkrt.com
Website: www.rideonkrt.com
Description: General public bus transportation with a fixed route system. KRT also provides a demand responsive service called Kanawha Alternative Transit (KAT) for disabled individuals. Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) is available for people qualified for Medicaid benefits who do not have transportation to and from medical appointments.
Serves: Kanawha County
Days of Operation: 7 days a week

2428 Kanawha Boulevard East Charleston, WV 25311
Phone: 304-348-0707
Website: www.kvss.org
Description: Service provided primarily for seniors going to nutritional
sites, medical care, shopping and banking, and adult day care. Non-
Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) is available for people
qualified for Medicaid benefits who do not have transportation to
and from medical appointments.
Serves: Kanawha County
Days of Operation: Monday-Saturday

PO Box 166 Charleston, WV 25321
Phone: 304-344-3601 (business) or 304-344-4902 (dispatch)
E-mail: info@chtaxi.com
Website: www.chtaxi.com
Description: Service provided for medical care at a variety of Prestera sites.
Serves: Kanawha County
Days of Operation: 24 hours, 7 days a week

* Days of operation and other information subject to change by the individual organizations.
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